Monday, November 9, 2009

You've Lost that Lovin' Feeling

In every edition of the Washington Post Magazine is a feature called "Date Lab." And it is what it sounds like: a blind date service. People apply, go on a date with someone with whom he/she should be compatible, take pictures during the date, and then it gets written up for the magazine for the entire DC metro area to read over Sunday morning coffee cake. One couple even got married! (Read an example here...with a Mormon...a Mormon whom I know!)

But in Sunday's edition of Date Lab, they put out the word that they're looking for couples who are already married. Says Date Lab, "Even if you've found The One, it's easy to lose sight of the romance once you fall into a routine. But married couples need a good date once in a while, too...Tell us why you and your significant other are long overdue for a date...We'll choose our favorite response, send that couple out to dinner, then write about it in the magazine."

This is what I sent. Think we'll win!?

"If it’s oatmeal, it must be Wednesday. And no, I’m not kidding. Generally I love schedules: schedules for meals, chores, events. You name it and I’ll find a calendar appropriate for it. When a son joined my husband and me 19 months ago, my love for schedules grew even more. But for some reason, my husband and I have not been able to schedule time for just the two of us.

I like to blame this on a couple of things. First, we didn’t really learn to date. Before we were married we had a long-distance relationship. After we were married and before the little guy came, we did almost everything together, so it seemed like a three-and-a-half year date. We never learned to make it formal however.

Second, I’m cheap. When we travel, I’ll pack sandwiches for us so we don’t have to eat fast food on the road. (I like to say that it’s more about the quality of the food rather than the money, but really, it’s about the money.) We are pretty good at earning and saving money and feel like responsible adults, but this definitely comes at a cost.

Third, did I mention the 19-month-old? Because he’s definitely the biggest culprit. Being first-time parents means we’re still getting used to this parenting thing. Between a husband who works full-time and a wife who works part-time outside of the home, we both feel the hardest job is inside the home with the little guy! When he goes down for the night, so do we. This does not leave a lot of time for dating.

The light at the end of the tunnel is that there is desire! Both he and I would love to go on a date, so come on Date Lab…make it happen!"


  1. good luck sister! i hope you 2 win! when do you find out? i think your entry sounded great. :)

  2. Ohh I hope you guys win! It would be so much fun to read about! When do you find out?

  3. How cute! I hope you guys win :)

  4. Ah, date lab, restaurant review, and the Washington Post Magazine crossword puzzle. Three Sunday musts! Hope to read about your date soon!

  5. loved reading the entry......can't wait to hear the results and YES i hope you win!!!!

  6. you crack me up! lost that loving feeling...whatever!
