Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Winter Blahs

Although I love all seasons but summer, I find winter hard when you have a kid. Certainly I see the value in making sure Rhett gets outside during the colder months, but it's just harder once it's cold. We can't have a picnic on the grass or eat popsicles on the porch waiting for Chuck to come home. I can't sit him in the pool for two hours with an empty yogurt cup. There have to be other options.

In anticipation of the upcoming cooler months, I put together a list of "indoor" things to do. So, help me fill in the blanks. Tell me what I'm missing: I really want this to be comprehensive. Some of these are DC-specific, but I'm sure those of you not close to me have other ideas that work wherever you are that I can adapt for me.

And before anyone says, "Whoa, erin, this list is really ambitious," let me be the first to say, "Whoa, me, this list is really ambitious."  I have no idea how many of these things we'll do. I just like to be reminded of all the things I could be doing, should I unlazify myself to do them.

Outdoor (bundled-up) Activities
Gravelly Point to watch the planes
Hiking (Little Bennett, Great Falls, Lake Frank, Rock Creek Trail)
Parks (Wheaton Regional, Clemyjontri, other local parks)

Nature Centers
Agricultural History Farm Park
Black Hill Visitor Center
Brookside Gardens
Brookside Nature Center
Locust Grove Nature Center
Meadowside Nature Center

All the close ones

Building Museum
College Park Aviation Museum
National Air and Space Museum
National Aquarium (a cheaper alternative to Baltimore's)
National History Museum

Shopping (I include these because most have an indoor play place)
Lake Forest Mall (although I'm reading that their Playland is closed until Mid-January--bummer)
Wednesdays at Rio
Wheaton Plaza
White Flint Mall

Indoor Play
Dress up

Puppet Theatre at Glen Echo
Ride a bus


  1. uh, you are not missing a thing! sheesh, if only i had that many options around here. :) a big city definitely, definitely has its pluses - especially in the winter.

    there is pretty much nothing much to do here - except walk around target. nice. but i still like it here!

    do oobleck with rhett - it's messy, but crazy fun, i think. i, myself, love it. look up recipes online.

  2. My notes:
    Wheaton Regional is down for the winter, they're replacing all the play equipment.

    Nature Centers
    Croyden Creek, it's closer than Meadowside and LOTS of fun stuff, they even have activity sheets to do in and around the nature center.

    Indoor activities:
    Play in the bath with an empty yogurt cup. Add a little warm water from time to time and he'll stay happy.
    Chase loves animals and cars, they keep him occupied for awhile if I'll sit and play with him.
    Painting, buy waterbase/washable paints, put some butcher paper on the table (the wax backing should keep it from getting too soggy) and let him finger paint for awhile before playing in the bath. Or make some fingerpaint for the bathtub just before you're ready to clean your bathroom
    Playdates at Amanda's house :)

  3. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PLEASE tell me that they are not replacing the play equipment at Wheaton!!! That was the last old school playground and I love it there! If they replace it with a whole bunch of plastic crap then I am organizing a boycott (once I return of course).

    I should have seen this coming the moment they blocked off that awesomely long slide.

    Darn you America and your safety standards!

  4. Ok, now I can post my other comment.
    Is the National trolley museum open yet? They were redoing it, and the building plans looked awesome. My kids loved to ride the trolleys there and I know that in years past they did trolley rides with Santa during December.

  5. What about a kids gymnastic class at the Y or even swim lessons? At my sister's in Oregon they offer year round lessons. Or at Fairlands Regional something center (look up MNCPPCCP whatever I've been away too long...) they had this cool open gym thing where the kids can jump and bounce and climb for an hour or two. I sooo wish we had something like that here.

    Our options: play at home. play at the frozen muddy park. play at a friends house. play at the YMCA childwatch room while mommy takes a class. play at mommy and me yoga while mommy tries to do yoga. or drive an hour over a 4,000 ft pass for 2-3 more options. but at least you get costco and target in with that trip as well. great list! I should try to be more creative with what I've got. Scavenger hunt at the grocery store anyone? only buy red items??
