Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Poll Follow-Up

First, Todd, if all Seinfeld episodes is too much, then yes, definitely too much Seinfeld.

Second, the results!

"Oops/opps": Natalie--you crack me up that you spell it opps! I'm pretty sure that your blog is one of the places I've seen it. But please don't feel like you're the sole offender, as I've definitely seen it in other places. It's just that now I don't feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

"Hanging clothes direction": I hang them facing left (as do most of you), but Chuck faces them right. I think that stores do it my way, but I certainly understand Emily and Deanna's reasoning for doing it the other (Chuck has no such excuse). Thankfully this question came from mere curiosity, not an actual husband/wife disagreement. In fact, last night I had him do a demonstration to figure out why and how he hangs it like he does and GET THIS! He takes the jacket in his left hand and the hanger in his right (I'm with him here) but then he sticks the hanger into the left sleeve! Not here, I'm a right sleever. He's weird. But I already knew that, and kind of like it about him.

"Storm Warning v. Storm Watch": Argh! This one makes me mad. I feel (like only three of you!) that a watch is more imminent. I mean, if I'm watching the storm, shouldn't that mean that I'm right in the middle of it? As in, it's right out my window?! Alas, the National Weather Service feels differently than I. I'll live. I'll just have to work hard (a.k.a. "go against my own logical reasoning") to think about the severity of weather when I'm issued the next warning or a watch. Here's hoping that the next is at least nine months away as I'm ready for Spring.

"Tops v. Bottoms": Unlike Amanda and probably others of you, I don't roll mine together (but I do for Chuck's underwear), but rather I fold them and keep them separate. After grabbing a pair from the drawer, I ALWAYS put on bottoms first. I think this has roots in two issues: (1) I like my top half more than my bottom, so the bottom must be covered first. And (2) I think when someone is wearing only a white shirt on top and nothing else, they look like a baby. When we see the other looking like said baby, Chuck and I will always call each other this. In the appropriate "baby" voice, mind you. And Merry? I'm a tucker. I don't like the loosey-goosey-ness of non-tuck.

"Light Bulb Scale": According to Energy Star, the correct order should be soft, bright, day. When we were recently picking out new bulbs for our new chandelier (pics will follow soon), I had it in my mind (like everyone one of you except Todd and Merry--good job guys!) that it should be soft, day, and then bright so we bought what we thought was the middle ground: daylight bulbs. Because, well, bright should be the brightest! Of course, I know now that we were wrong. Actually I knew it the second we installed the light bulbs and turned on the chandelier. However, I definitely can see that daylight should be the ultimate. I'm just not willing to spend an additional $35 just to tone it down a bit. We'll see if I still feel that way in a couple of weeks. Otherwise, we'll wait the 20 years for them to burn out and then replace them with bright lights. Maybe Energy Star should have considered focus groups when they named these. Or maybe my friends and I are just not that smart weird.

Thanks for playing!


  1. You made me laugh :)

    Al asked me if you had posted a picture of the new chandelier. I'm excited to see it, he thought it was really cool.

  2. I love that you call each other baby when you just have the top on. That cracks me up. I did not know that anyone rolled them up. We are strictly folders over here. And I can't tuck, I feel that I would never tuck a camisole or top into "normal" underwear so I can't with garments. So now you can see my strange reasoning process. I'm sure this is way too much info, I just felt like sharing!

  3. too funny! i'll work on my spelling!!! ;)

  4. I love it! And I must say that I think EVERYONE should tuck! Please just tuck everyone! Then we don't have to see any backs or butt cracks! Do it! It feels better too...I promise!
