Friday, August 20, 2010

What I Did on My Summer Vacation

It's no secret that I hate summer. It's in my blood to hate it: my dad hates it, my sister hates it, and although my brother does most of his work during the summer, he only works to pay for his winter spent skiing, so I'm pretty sure he prefers the cold too. Growing up in a house where the thermostat was kept in the 60s pretty much ensures this.

Chuck and I did the summer switch again this year. After the success of last year, we thought it made sense. This year it was much harder, though. I think this was because of two reasons. First, our week-long trip was near the beginning of the summer rather than in the middle like last year. That made the summer drag (you mean I have to work five days a week for HOW many weeks in a row?!). Second, I like Rhett so much more this summer compared to last. He is so much more fun (and easy) to be around. I really, really missed him. Of course there were the usual things I missed by not being at home as much: making dinner, cleaning the house, grocery shopping, nap times. But mostly I missed the kid.

Every year I complain about Maryland's humidity. I really think it's the worst thing ever, and I honestly can't imagine why people would move to Maryland for any other reason other than they have a fiance just starting graduate school. Honestly. It's horrible here. So when summer started last year, Chuck had this idea of counting all the gross days. My response? "Hooray! Counting!" To my surprise, we had very, very few of them last year. Maybe five. We didn't even get through Memorial Day weekend this summer before I'd already passed last year's total. By now we've had over 50 days of 90+ degree days. Remember, that's 90 degrees with intense humidity. So you Utahans who had 1-2 days of humid weather? Try that times, like, 25. Nasty.

Because of this horrible, horrible weather, one thing I did not do this summer was run. Which kills me. I feel fat and lazy and I don't like myself as much. It makes running harder when I'm able to start again. Everything about it sucks. Except for the free Saturdays. Once we took advantage of me not running and went to Eastern Market. That was fun. But most of the time it's just depressing.

I apologize for the post with almost nothing uplifting. But that's what summer does to me. I think I have that Seattle disease, you know, SAD (seasonal affective disorder). But mine comes from too much heat and humidity and the Metro. I wish I was kidding. Sure there were some good moments (family reunion in Idaho, the earthquake, the beach trip, Rhett's easy transition to a "little guy" bed, and not losing power once during all the ridiculous storms) but come on Fall!

The good news is that Chuck goes back to work on Monday! (In case you're wondering, he's got all Geometry this year, one of which is ESOL and the other four are honors. Don't be fooled by the "honors" title, however. That just means his kids might recognize the numbers and symbols on the calculator they rely on to calculate 4 X 5.) I get back to regular running on Monday!! Rhett and I get back to playgroup next Friday!!! I get to feel like the wife, mother, and erin that I enjoy!!!! Happy times are ahead. I can feel it. Plus, I ate my first candy corns of the season. That's got to be a harbinger of goodness, right?

Oh, and for just a couple of days, we set up my backpacking tent in the basement. Rhett LOVED it. The end.


  1. I COMPLETELY agree with you about summer and heat and humidity. I hate them with a passion. They suck the life out of me and make me a cranky pants. Just this morning the kids and I went out to the garage to walk to school, and guess what? Within about 30 seconds I could feel how swampy it was outside and knew I would sweat to death out there within minutes, so I pulled Camilla right out of the stroller and made everyone get in the car to drive down the street to school. I can't wait for fall and cooler temps to arrive so I can not be limited in my activities!

  2. Me too!!! The heat and humidity kill me. I don't want to be outside, I just want to sit beside a fan or in the A/C.

    I also miss being on a school schedule and I think the kids do too. We don't do well with daily chaos and summer is a synonym for chaos :)

    We missed you at playgroup today, but look forward to seeing you next week! We start art class on Fridays by mid-September so we only have a few more that we can attend.

  3. The humidity killed my running too. Especially after those awesome runs on those cool mornings in Idaho. Meh. I had my first run a couple of nights ago and it was sooo yucky still. I am craving fall!

  4. Aww it made me happy to hear that you had your first candy corn of the season! I may have to have my mom ship us some over here! I love fall too- especially after the horrible summer we had! What has been up with the weather? I really hope it is a nice long fall for you guys.The colors should be spectacular after all of the rain we had!
