Friday, October 26, 2018

What Else We've Been Doing

As it finally decided to be fall two weeks ago (seriously--we had the air conditioning going until October 10--doing quite a number on our electricity bill) we were finally able to break out the projector for some outdoor movies. It's amazing how cold 55 degrees can feel when the sun goes down! But we've had a fun couple of nights and even had some friends join us.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

File this Under "Why Didn't I Do This 10 Years Ago"

We moved into the house to these tiles with fruit on them. While I don't think they're hideous, exactly, I do not like them. At all. I'm the biggest fan of symmetry there is, but even I can see it just doesn't work here. Plus, fruit? Really?! I think I always thought that I'd have to redo the entire backsplash or rip out the offending tiles, but one day I saw something that said you could just paint them. So I did. And now I'm mad I didn't think of doing it ten years ago. I love it so much.



Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Weekend Camping

We FINALLY got to get out of town for a short trip. The boys had an early release on Friday and Chuck had a morning dental appointment, so we were able to head out early Friday afternoon. We met some friends up there and spent the evening hanging out. Saturday morning we hiked to the falls and then went to a pumpkin patch.

We've been to a LOT of pumpkin patches around here, but this was the first time we experienced these. So much fun!

Also zip lines!

Tug of War: Chuck v. some of the kids.

Sunday morning we took the kayaks out for a bit before heading home. We were happy to have cousins come join us too!

It felt so good to get out of town and into the woods. If only temperatures would reflect the fact that it's actually fall...

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Actual Picture Collages

I meant to add these to Monday's post, but totally spaced it. Rhett is still begging me to print more pictures so we can do this again.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Fun with Picture Collages

A few weeks ago the boys were creating some collages with people. Unfortunately for them, we don't have that many magazines in the house that they can create with. Fortunately for them, I did have a bunch of pictures I printed years ago that they could use. Holy crap. It was the most fun our family had together in a long time! We were all just laughing and giggling at every single creation. I highly recommend it. The next time Shutterfly offers 100 prints for a dollar, I'm doing it!