Wednesday, September 17, 2014

We Made Stuff

These pants for made for a friend's soon-to-be-born baby boy. Tutorial from Made by Rae, found here.

The baby daddy is a ping pong player (in fact, this is part of his job or something), so of course I had to make a personalized onesie.

Rhett LOVES to create things with paper and tape. This was one of his latest creations: the campground at Assateague. He nearly throws a fit every time I have to put these creations in the recycling. But I have to, right? I mean, some of these things are BIG.

And Ollie made a chocolate face.


  1. i love the creations made by all. :) so cute - and messy. so we have a book called something like "my chincoteague pony." it's all about assateague horses being auctioned off at chincoteague. it makes me think of you guys every time we read it - which is often since my girls love it.

  2. that right there is a pretty great chocolate face if you ask me!
