Monday, March 28, 2016

Rhett's 8th Birthday

Rhett turned 8 last week. Because his birthday fell on a school day (you know, one on which he gets home from school at 4:45 p.m.), we opened presents before Chuck even left for work. Among other things, Rhett got a microscope and a Lego boat. It was plenty to keep them busy before school.

For dinner, Rhett chose another mystery menu meal, so that's what they got. And dessert was a rice krispie treat cake (like Auntie Em, like nephew). It was a pretty great day for a pretty great boy.


  1. Yay, what a cute birthday boy! His caked looked great - what a cool kid to want a rice krispie cake. :)

  2. Happy Birthday, Rhett!
    I am so confused by this mystery meal...
    What a great kid.
