Monday, May 9, 2016

Recipe for an Excellent Mother's Day

Two boys fighting during primary song in sacrament meeting--check.
Relief Society consisting of a mingle with delicious food, provided by the men of the ward--check.
After-church hike on the Billy Goat Trail--check.
Perfect weather (after a week of rain, it was sunny with temperatures in upper-60s)--check.
Chatting with my own mother via Skype--check.
Dessert of banana cream pie--check.

That's it! Excellent.

P.S. Chuck brought lemon rice krispies to Relief Society. I may have eaten some Saturday night before they even made it to church.


  1. haha about your boys. was it funny to you at the time, or not?

    everything else sounds quite delightful!

    that's a beautiful picture!

  2. Sounds so perfect and I adore this picture of you guys.

  3. Lemon rice krispies....those sound dreamy!!!
