Thursday, October 19, 2017

Update: Chuck

Chuck is, well, pretty much the same. Work is good. He's working on creating the online statistics course. Of course I'm super jealous. I think he has more fun at work than at home because of his work husband (they don't have any kids together AND his husband likes sports). At home he's busier than he wants with his calling. Sunday meetings, Wednesday nights, and then anything extra. We all know the drill. But they've had a couple of great activities. One was teaching bike maintenance to the YM and the other was teaching the boys how to grill and then eating the food with the YW. He loved the pineapple so much he made it at home. (Rub the pineapple with cinnamon and then grill--delicious!) He'd love more time to play video games, but wouldn't we all?! Well maybe not, but we'd all love more time for something. That's just his something.

In other news, we cleaned out his closet. (And by "his closet," I mean the section of the laundry room where we hang his clothes.) I think we got rid of 50 pounds of clothes. It's amazing. It just feels so good, at least to me.


  1. Ohhhhh, that sounds great - the closet clean-out! Ben helped the boys a few weekends ago clean up their room - I think we got ride of 50# of clothes, junk, etc.!

    Did your boys like the grilled pineapple? Sounds delish.

    Go Chuck; you're pretty cool.

    P.S. I like your update style way better than mine - all at once. Way too much. You're smart.

  2. Cleaning out closets is always a good thing! I love your updates.
