1. The house is not a playground.
2. It's after 7:15 p.m. I'm off duty.
3. In our house, you'll learn to eat foods you don't like.
4. Only one boy at a time in the bathroom.
5. Stop bothering Bruno.
6. We don't touch other people's food.
7. Get your clothes out of your mouth.
What about in your house? What whistle short cuts do you need?
As always, it's a good thing that they're cute...
Brilliant. #1, 6, 7 all come fairly frequently at our house. I'd probably need a whistle for "Just stop!" and "Don't make a mess!" and "Give me space!" All really vague things that aren't helpful. We did almost give a whistle to my FIL on our trip so that we could find him - he likes to wander way off and in group touring that's hard.