Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Can't Stop Laughing

Seriously. The kid just starting doing this at dinner. On his own. No prompting. Promise. This is as funny as I think it is, right?

If that doesn't work, try this.


  1. i can't get it to play? i'll keep trying!

  2. rhett's being a Silly Sally (see our most recent post, you'll understand). love it, kids are great.

  3. Yes and no. Yes it is the funniest thing you've seen, but maybe not to everyone else. Really, there are no funnier or cooler kids than your own and I think that's exactly how it's suppose to be. That being said, I was chuckling during the last part.

  4. believe me, megan, i get that! so i totally understand that it might not be the funniest thing to everyone. but it's enough that it is to me and chuck. :)

  5. yep, i'm laughing, funny little boy!!!!
