Friday, December 16, 2011

Love this Baby

This ever-drooling, ever-spitting-up baby.

This ever-hand-eating, sometimes finger-sucking, ever-feet-eating baby.

This ever-attentive, ever-patient baby.

It's unfortunate these little people can't know how much you love them until they have their own. 'Cause DANG.

P.S. What are you getting for Christmas? Don't know? How about an ice cream maker? Because seriously, if you don't have one, this ice cream alone is worth the purchase. So good. So so good.


  1. oh he is just a doll. he's so adorable and looks so sweet.

    we have an ice cream maker! now i need to figure out when to make it! thanks!

  2. ohhhh my i love his striped baby pants!!! I won some for freddie fred!!!
