Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Philadelphia Temple Open House

Right before Chuck went back to work last month, we went to Philly to see the new temple. And as we've never taken the kids to Philadelphia, we thought we should take them to see some of the sights. Thankfully the drive was just over two hours, so I'm sure we'll be back. ( know, because we've made such an effort before now.)

Anyway, got to the temple bright and early and quickly went through the open house.

Our first stop was the mint, but no pictures allowed. We all liked it a lot, however. Then we headed to the Liberty Bell. Not sure what the boys thought, honestly.

We didn't get tickets ahead of time for Independence Hall, so we had to spend a couple of hours. But with our packed lunches (like my kids would eat a cheesesteak) and junior ranger activities, the time was easy to fill.

Back for the tour.

Then the long walk back to the car. It was kinda painful and I may have had flashbacks to walking in Europe. But they made it. And we got home. AND the day turned out actually okay! Hooray for us!


  1. We love Philly! What a great little trip!

  2. Super cool for an okay-kind of day. :) It looked pretty neat!
