Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Spring Break, Part 2

Every time we go downtown D.C., Rhett complains that there aren't any skyscrapers. So when I started thinking about his 10th birthday, I thought it would be fun if I took him on a special mom-and-10-year-old trip to New York City. Chuck doesn't really like it, and Ollie would have been really obnoxious. Plus, I generally like my kids more when it's just one-on-one. So we went! It was quick: we left early Friday morning on the train and returned Saturday night. But because NYC is all about walking, it's enough.

I really wanted him to pick the things we did. So I gave him some ideas and let him pick. Here's the itinerary for Friday:
Lego Store
Nintendo Store
M&M Store
Statue of Liberty (via the Staten Island Ferry, so just views from the boat)
Trinity Church (to see Hamiltons' graves because he's almost as big a fan as I)
Economy Candy (because, duh)

Raspberry M&Ms are delicious!

He's been playing Zelda a lot and apparently this is a villain from the game. On one particularly whiny stretch of walking, I had him explain the game to me. I remember none of it, but I did stop the whining (temporarily).

Although it was only 6, we were both happy to get to the hotel and finish the pizza in bed while watching TV. Perfection.


  1. Looks like it must have been a great trip! Please let Rhett know we appreciated his thank you card for his birthday presents!

  2. So. Cool. Except for the whining part and having to listen to a kid talk about a video game . . . ugh, I hate that. :) What was his favorite stop that day? Yours?
