Monday, July 19, 2010

Conversations with a Two-Year-Old

Let me start by saying that I am absolutely in love with this little boy. I know I say that every new age/phase is my favorite, but this one is FOR REALS. I love two-year-olds (or at least this one). He's so active (he skips everywhere he goes) and good and funny and lovable and brave and (mostly) obedient and sweet and I could eat him up. Seriously, I love this age and could skip everything baby just to get to now. He's saying funny (to us) things all the time. We think that we understand about 90% of what he says, while others might get about 20-25%. This mutual uderstanding certainly keeps everyones' frustration levels at a minimum. Here are some of the latest things that have made us laugh.

Me: Where does an octopus live?
Rhett: At the octopus house.
Me: Where is the octopus house?
Rhett: Far away. [He learned the idea of "far away" when we were in Idaho; he kept telling us that he wanted to go to "Rhett's house" and we kept telling him that his house is "far away."]

Rhett: Rhett make swimming pool! [After spitting into his hands, and before getting chastised for being gross.]

Me: What did you do at the mall today?
Rhett: See a man not come. [He and Chuck waited for some kid entertainer who never showed.]

Me: What does it mean to be glad? [After Rhett picked out a library book about being glad.]
Rhett: When Dada come home!

Rhett: Blue car has a good parking space.


  1. oh, i hope these "conversations with a 2-year old" will be like a weekly post or something. they are GREAT.

    my favorite: "see a man not come." he's a smartie. love it! and love that little man.

  2. so great! i'm inspired to do an update post of my own. love the pic, new haircut? it makes rhett look like such a little man, i'm lovin' it.
