Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Is This Still My House?

Five weeks ago when we discovered we had a problem in the upstairs bathroom, I never imagined how much it would rearrange our house. Not only did we end up doing a complete redo of that bathroom, but we moved our master bedroom to the basement. And now, five weeks later, I'm loving it. So excuse the tons of pictures, but oh well.

First the bathroom. Again, this was not a job we
wanted to do (in this economy, are you kidding?), but rather because we had to. Water sploshing underneath the tub is NEVER a good thing. But if we have to do it, we might as well do it in a way we want, right? Of course right. To refresh your memory, here are the before pictures and a couple during, just to show the magnitude of what went on in there.

Notice the ultra-long vanity.

And the after. We don't have the shower curtain yet, but I think it's better that way in order to show off the tiles.

I think you get the picture. I love how bright and happy it is. And the tiles on the floor? Lovely.

While work was being done on that room, Chuck and I had to use the basement bathroom for our toilette. We even slept in the basement bedroom one night just for fun. But we liked it so much that we decided to make the change. So what used to be this:

is now this:

Can we stop now? I'm tired.

P.S. Funny thing, this Blogger. Its spell check always tells me that "internet" isn't a word, but sploshing? Apparently that's a real word.


  1. Well done! Please come and do my house now.

  2. oh, it's great! that tile choice in the bathroom is definitely my favorite - i think it turned out perfectly. soooo nice! (take a picture of the toilet some time, too.)

    and your room looks lovely. i can't tell, though, that the walls are lavendar. i LOVE the curtain you have in your room. i'm sure you made it? SO CUTE!

  3. It looks awesome! I would love to redo my bathroom...I have a feeling we will "have to" as well. I dug out the grout of our shower and Cam re-grouted but it is not looking so hot. I am sure it is not going to work out for very long. Good to know sloshing is a word I will have to try using it more often.

  4. Apparently I will have to learn to spell "sploshing" before I try to add it to my vocabulary!

  5. you know i loves a good before and after project! the bathroom looks fantastic. and i still really like the fake stained glass window sticker to skip on blinds. wish i had a window to cover up.

  6. looks great! love that you opted for no soap holder and toothbrush holder. one of my biggest pet peeves and the first thing I unscrewed in our old new house. fortunatley they weren't mortared in!

  7. It looks so good! Nice! I love the little tiles, they are so cute.

  8. oh oh!!!! i love it......really LOVE the tiles in the bathroom, super cute, i guess there are some perks to water sploshing under the tub, right, you "get" to remodel!!!!
