Thursday, August 20, 2009

Which Came First...

...Reese's Peanut Butter Cup or Reese's Pieces??? Another marital dispute. Sigh. I guess it could be worse.


  1. It could be SO much worse :) Every time I read, "Marital dispute" I think of husband and wife having a knock-down brawl...I'm so happy to find your disputes are so much more pleasant!

    Now to answer the question:
    The peanut butter cup came first! Reeses's pieces didn't come along for a long time afer the peanut butter cup. I think it was late 70's because I remember Resse's pieces being a fairly new candy when I was a kid.

  2. I would guess the reeses pieces...but maybe I'm wrong!

  3. I think cups. Also, cute family pics.

  4. According to the good people at Hershey's, Reese's PB Cups first came out in 1928. Reese's Pieces were introduced in 1978.

    Sigh. We are older than candy.

  5. PB CUPS!!!!! I'm totally sure of it, and I just read the above comment now I'm quite positive.....;)

  6. Oh and, yeah, I don't know who else would host if the Tour of Utah wasn't in Utah.....DUH nat!!!!
