Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Scenes from a Run

Sometimes I really love where I live. Fall will do that to me.

And the best view of all:


  1. so fun! yes, fall is so great back east. lucky. and that rhett looks like the perfect running partner. :) does he know he's dressed up like a cute dog?

  2. I love the fall too, but I'm always so anxious that it will be too short (which it eusually is). Do you have a jogging stroller? I just got one, so if you do, we should go on a jog together sometime! I REALLY need to hit up your etsy shop because I love everything you make- you are so creative! I can't wait to see Rhett's costume!

  3. yes, jess, i have a stroller that i use for jogging. i'd love to go with you some time! we go out every MWF, so if you want to pick a place to meet, let me know and we'll be there.

  4. YES! Fall colors are simply marvelous. I would be sad to live someplace with no seasonal change (like my bro stationed in Hawaii. Paradise is only fun for so long...) Give me seasons any day!
