Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Things Rhett Says

As we're cleaning the playroom...
Rhett: Mom, I'm a little old. When I crouch down, my body doesn't feel very good.

Rhett: I don't love you Mom. I like you and I like Dad, but I don't love you. I only love Bruno because he's so funny.
Me: Well, that makes me a little bit sad. But I love you anyway.
Rhett: Now I love you. That was just when I was 1 and 2.

Rhett: Maybe we can buy one of those strollers from the store with the bridge! [In reference to a double jogging stroller at Hudson Trail, an REI-like store.]
Me: Well, they are kind of expensive.
Rhett: Don't worry; they will be on sale.

Chuck wanted to make chocolate chip cookies with Rhett. Then we realized we didn't have enough butter. Everyone was pretty disappointed.
Rhett: Why don't we make something else that's bad for us?

Rhett has lost interest in street signs as of late. He still notices "NO" signs, however (you know, anything with a red circle and a line through it). "No what, Mom?" he constantly asks. But he's moved on to the weather page. Every day that I read the paper in front of him, he demands (at first, and then asks nicely) to see the weather page. Then he informs me of the five-day forecast and shows me where it's going to be hot and where it's going to be cold. Just Monday he told the check-out lady at Safeway that he "saw thunder." I was confused at first, but then he explained that he saw thunder on the weather page. Ahh, I see.

Also recently he's changed his mind about being a dentist when he grows up. Now he wants to be a dad. Why the dentist? Because he got to play with all those cool mirrors! Why a dad? Don't know!

Every night after reading books, singing songs, saying prayers, taking last drinks of milk, brushing teeth, and getting tucked into bed, Rhett gets two stories, one from each of us. Problem is, we've been doing these stories for a long time and we've run out of ideas (we're math nerds, remember, not creative writers). So now we've resorted to having Rhett give us ideas. Here are some recent ideas Rhett has given us:
1. A story about a little boy in a mouth.
2. A story about an astronaut dad who got hit by a world and broke all his bones.
3. A story about any part of your body.
4. Any story about anything in his room that he sees at that moment, whether it be a picture on the wall or the fan on the ceiling. You can't guess how many stories I've told about a fan walking the streets.


  1. oh man, his sayings just get funnier and funnier. that boy is just hilarious!

  2. My favorite is that you've taught him how to shop sales. This will be an advantage one day :)

  3. I love these quote pages from toddlers. Their minds are so amusing and baffling. I'm especially fond of Rhett's "I'm old" conversation and the "make something else bad for us" conversation. Nothing gets past this kiddo! He's a realist!

  4. when laney was little we told her stories about a little girl. there were actual stories about her during the holiday or losing a tooth or going to the store. it took her a couple of weeks to realize she was the little girl and then she asked for them by name. "tell me the story about the little girl and the easter egg hunt" those type of things.
