Monday, April 14, 2014

I'm Tired Already

And I really don't mean that in a humble-brag sort of way. Promise. I know we're too busy this Spring Break week but it's all stuff I want to do. Except for Monday morning's plans. I really don't want to do that. But let me start at the beginning. I'll save Sunday's outing for Wednesday, and then Monday's trip for Friday. I got to space these things out so I don't run out of content!

Saturday morning we headed out to the annual gas and steam engine show. It was a pretty warm day for April, so it was nice to be outside. The boys played with ride-on tractors and wheel barrows...

...enjoyed throwing and jumping into hay...

(notice the pile about to land on Rhett's head)

...took a hay ride...

...waited for a barrel ride...

...took a barrel ride...

And then we came home, napped/grocery shopped, and then bought and planted some bushes for the desperately-plain front dirt. Then we went on a date. End of Spring Break Day 1.


  1. The bushes looks so great! Love them. The steam and engine show looked pretty fantastic. Glad you had good weather for it. Let's hope it holds out for the rest of your spring break!

  2. Bushes look great! I'm looking forward to hearing your recap of the rest of your adventures.
