Wednesday, November 29, 2017

House Updates

I briefly mentioned that we got rid of most of the boys' toys a couple of weeks ago. In order to soften the blow, we sold them and told the boys they could use the money to spend on Legos. Why Legos? Because other than Magformers, Legos are the only things they play with regularly. I wanted everything else GONE. And except for a set of baby balls and this strange kitty piano, everything sold!

To house the Legos, Chuck and I put together a Lego table. The entire house loves it. All the Legos can stay out, I can vacuum, and there's less clutter. I love when everyone wins. And of course there's a hairbrush on the floor in the playroom. Isn't there one in your house?

And just for documentation, we also replaced four closet doors. The old doors were bi-fold doors with mirrors on them! They drove me crazy. I love these new ones. Plus, I don't have to look at myself 50 times a day.


  1. The table looks great! Win-wins are always the best.

    Our hairbrushes usually end up on the couch or kitchen table.

    Lovely door.

  2. I love your Lego table! Axton still usually plays on the floor by our Lego table. �� And the fact that you got rid of the toys is awesome!!! Legos and MagnaTiles will stick around our house too. So now I want to know what your boys are getting for Christmas! More Legos?
