Monday, January 14, 2019


Oh man we love this boy. He's everything I'm not: silly, creative, and energetic. But that makes him that much harder. I just don't relate easily. However, we're getting through it.

Where does he get this???

I had to take some stuff to the school for a PTA event and Ollie hitched a ride home.

I made this beard for him to wear at the ward Christmas party's nativity scene. Of course he jumped off the stage in the first two minutes, but he still loves wearing the beard around the house.

And then he made more facial hair all by himself. Amazing.

Here are his latest hilarious things he said:
"Only people who are fancy eat hamburgers with a fork."

O: I wish I didn't have a sister.
Me: Well, you don't, so you got your wish. Why don't you want a sister?
O: Because she might tell on me and Rhett when we fight. Girls do that.

After an intense game of pop guns: "What is my purpose? Why am I even here??"

Talking about Chuck E. Cheese: "That guy creeps me up. It used to be there was a person inside, but nowadays it's probably a robot."

We were driving in the car, and no one was talking. "All is silent....voices rise." WHAT?!?! He still can't/won't explain this.

To me: "You're just mad because you married a bimbo!"

O: Why do we have to do chores? I hate doing chores.
Me: Well, they build character.
O: I like my character just like it is. I don't want to change it.

After a spirited dinner with the missionaries.
Missionary: Where you do you get all your energy?
O [suddenly calm and serious]: From within.

O: Mom, you don't use laughter like I do.
Me: Oh, how do you use it?
O: I use it smart.

"I didn't really laugh that hard because it didn't touch my funny bone."

1 comment:

  1. Man, I miss reading Olli-isms. So funny! His mustache did turn out fabulous.
