On my first Monday at home, I realized how much I really enjoy running the household. Rhett and I went shopping, played, went running, walked Bruno, paid bills, planned the week's meals, did our chores (me: sweeping, dusting, and vacuuming; he: putting away his diapers). It was just so satisfying, more than any day at the office. For me, this job of being a homemaker is totally satisfying.
Satisfying does not equal easy, however. After our Monday-no-TV-night was spent moving all of our bedroom furniture to the basement (and with NO home teachers involved), I was exhausted. I told Chuck I was glad to be able to go to work the next day so I can get some rest. Being a stay-at-home parent is extremely tiring. I honestly don't know how moms of more than one child do it. Rhett's even a pretty good baby and easy to entertain. But still, he's seventeen months old. He's exhausting. Lovely, but exhausting.
So do I like my job-that-pays-me-dollars, even at two days a week? Eh. It was a choice that Chuck and I made for the betterment of our family. But do I like my job-that-pays-in-laughter-and-kisses-and-funnies-and-happy-nap-time? Oh boy, do I. I love that little boy and I love being his mom.
One last thing, I was able to keep up my running during the summer. I ran a couple of evenings during the week, and surprised myself at how much I liked nighttime exercising. I did notice, however, that due to the sedentary nature of my work, I gained a couple of pounds and found that my body was far less stretchy. That is, I felt my muscles were tighter and harder to warm up than during the part-time work days.
He Said: Well, as we have now reached the official end of summer (according to the school system) I have returned to work and the summer experiment has ended. I have to say that staying at home is far from easy. I actually feel as though going to work is much easier than staying home (ask me again in a couple weeks to see if I still feel the same way). It was a great opportunity to see little things in Rhett's development and personality. Working full time you don't get to see all of the little things throughout the day. In that way, I really enjoyed it. I also am able to emphasize more with how e feels sometimes when I get home from work. I am more likely to get back home as quickly as possible to help watch Rhett and give e some personal time, which I now can see how little one gets staying at home. There were days when I didn't get the chance to shower and others when I completely forgot to eat. Oh yeah, taking care of the house is way harder than I thought it would be as well. Who knew?
Even though I think being at work is easier than being at home I am definitely going to miss being at home with Rhett. I honestly believe that if I could stop working all together I would do it...perhaps I just don't want to work (and I am not saying that staying at home isn't work). I feel as though I got more out of being at home than I do at work (e probably feels this on a much higher level). In the most simple terms, I liked being at home. I hope that it is something that e will be willing to do again next summer. I think it can be a family tradition that will be valued by not just myself, but by Rhett as well.