Monday, January 18, 2010

Does Anyone Want These? I'll Give Them to You. I'm Not Kidding.

This is a set of monthly cross-stitched pillows. They have ribbons so you can hang them from something. They're about 3" finished size.
And this is a set of pillow cases (with zippers) for the most-decorative months of the year. They fit a 12" pillow form (not included). Serious inquiries only.

Can I file this post under un-crafting? Seriously, a little tacky, yes? Just makes me wonder what I'll think of my current projects in twenty years.


  1. I seriously want the little hanging pillows. Seriously.

  2. I love the snowman pillowcases!! Jane is a huge snowman collector and would probably really enjoy these if you don't have a taker, already.

    You can always bring your items to soup and swap tomorrow night!

  3. linda, the pillow are yours. and amanda, i'll bring the pillowcases tomorrow. i planned on bringing them to the soup and swap if no one else was going to take them. but now they're spoken for!

  4. Did you really make these???? I'm so impressed! You certainly are the little domestic diva!

  5. Wahoo! I feel like I just won something :)
