Friday, January 15, 2010

I Just Can't Get Enough

I feel like my blog has been a bit Rhett-heavy recently. This is because myriad things: first, we haven't traveled anywhere since Thanksgiving, and we won't be until February. Second, it's winter and therefore cold. Not many terribly fun things going on inside. Third, after a rush to get Christmas gifts done, I am on hiatus for crafting (this stops this weekend with the arrival of TWO sets of new fabrics! woo hoo!) Finally, I am utterly in love with the boy and want to talk about him all the time.

He's nearing 22 months old (we've advanced to saying, "He'll be two in March" when asked that pesky age question). And this age, this 22 month age, is hands down my favorite time with him to date. He's absolutely hysterical and I can't wait to see what he'll say and do next.

I love that he's learning relatives sizes. Everything that is BIG is called "mama." (Yes, it helps the self-esteem, thanks for asking), and everything that is little is called "baby." We have "baby bowls" as well as "mama bowls," etc. The best part about this way of distinguishing sizes is that sometimes when he's talking about something BIG, his voice gets very deep and drawn out when saying the adjective "mama." Can you picture it? And what do you think he calls this little person? That's right: "baby mama" (a little version of me). Love it.

I love that when he goes to bed, he isn't just happy with "elmo baby" (the combination of elmo and a thrifted baby doll my jogging stroller once ran over; the twain are ne'er apart). Oh no, he needs more companionship than just one "elmo baby." He wants his "doggie." And by doggie, I mean every doggie he has (which I think is four). He also requires "oo oo" (monkey). Of course, this isn't just one monkey, it's "baby oo oo," "mama oo oo," and the general sock monkey "oo oo." And when he wants "baa" he doesn't want one sheep, it's both. Now, not every day requires every set, but every day requires at least one set. The other day I was laughing too hard to tell him no and his crib ended up like this. Love it.

I love that he's such a yes-child. With all of the words that currently make up his vocabulary, "no" is simply not included. (If you think you've heard him say it, I'd bet $100 that he was saying "snow" or "milk" instead.) In place of no is the far-more-preferential "Yeah!" For example, "Hey Rhett, want to go to the store?" "YEAH!" "Hey Rhett, want to help feed Bruno?" "YEAH!" "Hey Rhett, want to take a nap?" "YEAH!" as he runs to his room. Every once in a while we'll get a head shake to indicate he really doesn't want something (like being put in a grocery cart). But for the most part, the kid is up for anything we put out there. Including blind sliding on the "wheeee." Love it.

I love that at this age, he's still part baby, as evidenced by this shot. He found his hidden pacifier but could barely remember how to use it. He put it in for a second until he took it out (at which point it was conveniently re-hidden). In so many ways, he's still my baby. But in so many other ways, he's such a little boy! Love it.

I love that he's obsessed with the idea of being happy. Whenever we're reading books and he sees people smiling he'll point and say "happy." Or if he's being particularly sweet and I'm beaming at him I'll get a "happy mama." At which point he'll say "happy baby" while pointing at himself. The best, though, is when he's throwing a fit and I say, "I'm sorry you're so mad right now," he'll start insisting that he's happy. So picture this: a sobbing child screaming "happy" over and over. Love it.

Of course there are hard times. Like yesterday when he was mad that Bruno ate his cracker. Or whenever I make him come inside after being outside. Or any time he gets woken up rather than letting him wake up on his own. Not happy times. But most of the time, I am overwhelmed by how much I love this little dude.


  1. oh man i love this post! he's so freakin' funny. and adorable and cute. and, yes, happy.

    i love the kid, too!

  2. This is such a sweet post! I loved it. I'm so glad that you guys are so happy- it really is a wonderful age!
    Hopefully it will warm up soon so we can play outside!

  3. that's one hot baby mama! i love this stage. it only gets better :)

  4. so cute!!!! yes, little "boys" are the best, but don't worry then they become little "men" and that's pretty great too!!! ;)
