Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Conversations with a Two-Year Old

[Rhett's stomping his feet on his chair while sitting in the booster seat.]
Me: What are you doing?
Rhett: Stomping my old feet.
Me: Where are your new feet?
Rhett: In the closet!

[Rhett is crying in the grocery store because we're taking him from something he really wants to see. We give him a package of turkey pepperoni to see if that will pacify him. It does.]
Rhett: Rhett happy now. Meat made Rhett happy.

[Rhett was just told that his cute cousin, Carolina, was coming over to play. He ran to the window.]
Rhett: Rhett waiting to see Carolina.

[In the car in traffic on the way home...]
Rhett: [quite loudly] Get out of the way car!
Me: Okay. I'll admit to saying things at cars. But this is NOT something I say! Where does he get this?!

Me: Rhett, what's your favorite part of Family Home Evening?
Rhett: Chocolate milk!

What happens when Rhett asks for lemon juice:


  1. The lemon-juice face is classic! But I can't decide which I like better: monster hands or monster "voice."

  2. oh yea, i really love it all! that kid cracks me up. he's too adorable.

    and i think it's every parent's right to give their kids lemons and limes just for the reaction.

  3. great video. syd keeps asking to watch it again. how great is rhett's face?! i love it when he actually tastes the juice. classic.

  4. Aww, he looks so cute... I sure do miss seeing him try new things! He sure is growing up so fast... Give him a big kiss & hug from Aunt Mama for me. I sure do miss you guys :) Looks like you had a great Birthday on the 3rd.
