Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nothing Doing

Not much going on around here. I'm back at home three of five weekdays and loving (mostly) every second of it (why won't you fall asleep child?!). Rhett's at the new babysitter for my two works days, and I think he'll do great there. Chuck is back at work and will face his 144 new students on Monday. Yesterday's high was in the 70s.  Don't be too jealous; today will be back in the 80s. Life is good!

Except for yesterday when, for the first time in my life, I can honestly say that I got dressed in the dark and really regretted it. I was at the Metro before I realized my shoes did NOT at all go with my pants. Good thing I sit in a cubicle all day and see almost nobody. Bad thing I had a team kick-off meeting and I'm sure everyone noticed my shoes. Good thing that they're even nerdier than I am so I don't care. Phew. But still, dressed in the dark = living on the wild side.

And finally, we did this to the playroom wall during a recent TV-free Monday. I love it.


  1. I want to see a picture of the shoes and pants combo. I also love the letter wall! Where did you get those letters from?
    I thought you would be interested to here about a bad experience I had yesterday! On the way up to our apartment I got myself stuck in the elevator. I pressed the alarm button, but the recording was in German, so I had no idea what it was saying. It only lasted about 5 minutes, but I thought I was going to hyperventilate!

  2. Are those letters from Land of Nod? I've seen them a couple of times and loved them...always wondered what I could do with them. You are creative my friend!

  3. oh it turned out so wonderful! i love, love, love it!

    i'm going to paint my clothespins someday - i think you should too. :) but it looks awesome.

  4. Linda and Jess: I got the cards at Michael's. But you can find them here: And it doesn't look like Land of Nod has them, Linda, although they have a lot of others. And please, you think I came up with this display on my own? Of course not! I saw it somewhere else after these sat in my closet for nearly a year. Please. Me? Creative? I think not!

  5. YAY for the link to find the cards, I LOVE that, might have to steal the idea for the boys room!! So so cute. ;)
