Monday, August 16, 2010

A Touch of the OCD, Perhaps?

I admit that I am slightly OCD when it comes to crossing off things. Be they calendar days or grocery list items, I will sometimes make lists after the fact just so I can cross them off. So I knew that when I perused my new birthday book (Thanks again, em!) that this countdown chain would be the first thing I made.  It took some time (31 links will do that), but I am super excited about it. Currently there are four links on it: four being the number of full-time days of work left for me before I return to part-time! Sweet.

And because my mother-in-law requested a couple of ties for someone's baby, I thought Rhett could use a new one too. So this is what he got.

Is anyone else hating Blogger's new upload tool? Blech!


  1. Cute tie! I'm not a list person, they make me feel pressured to perform and I know I'll never get everything marked off so then I'm just depressed.

    Ad for the new upload tool, I would have to blog more than once a month to even know that it's changed...but thanks for the warning :)

  2. I tell Rhett every week that I love his ties.

    And about Cedric, haha. Collin was like, "what if we did name our (fake) baby Cedric?"
