Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Please Consider Voting for My Friend...

Yesterday Chuck spent 13 hours outside a polling place politicking for a friend of ours who was running for our local Board of Education. Rhett and I stopped by many times throughout the day to break the monotony, for all our sakes. We ran by on our way out, ran by on the way in (and then I ran by again after looking for my lost glove), stopped back with a snack, lunch, another snack, dinner, and a goodnight hug and kiss. Good times.

But man, it really reinforced how I could NOT have done what he did. It also reinforced that I could NOT serve a mission. I mean, I could sit there for 13 hours; that's not the problem. I just can't sell people on things that they're just not interested in. Don't get me wrong; there were some who were interested and told Chuck they'd vote for Martha because of what he had to say about her. But most just nodded their heads, trying to get him to stop talking as they walked through the doors to the school. And then there are those that want to argue. That's one thing I can't do for sure: the arguing. But Chuck, on the other hand, really could have been a lawyer (that's another post). He loves the debating. Ick.

Anyway, not that exciting of a post; I know. I'm just still struck by how much I could not have done what he did.

Can I say just how silly our local school system is? I mean, I'm all for holidays where Chuck is home, but Election Day? And just because they think they can't have voters and kids in the schools at the same time? DUMB. No wonder Chuck's still teaching come mid-June.

To make up for posting lameness, I leave you with this picture of Chuck and Rhett. I won't say how much I enjoy them dressing the same, even though this was not my doing. What do you think of Rhett's haircut?


  1. wow, 13 hours! I don't know Martha all that well, but I did give her my vote :) And I'm with you, I couldn't do what Chuck did. I use to do those things, but I'm not that kind of person anymore...I think the kids wear you down LOL

    Good job, Chuck! And Rhett looks quite mature with his haircut...he's so cute :)

  2. i'm there with ya on all points made.

    did martha win?

    um i LOVE his haircut!!! it looks so great! he is adorable.

  3. no, sadly she did not win. even in a non-partisan race, it's extremely rare for a republican to win anything in my county!

  4. 13 hours is VERY impressive! I'm sorry to hear that she lost :(

    I can't believe he gets the day off for elections! That is crazy! I'm so used to seeing voters in the school on election day- its so strange to hear that others don't. I think having the voting stations in the school was a good thing for students to see the people exercising their right to vote!

  5. he looks so grown up with that hair cut! rhett, that is :)

    sorry to hear your friend did not win.
