Tuesday, July 3, 2012

UGH: Update

Good news! Nope, still no power. In spite of that, yesterday was actually a good day! Because places were opened and cool, Chuck had places to go with the boys. (Of course I was in a chilled office all day.) And we got some dry ice for the freezers so I don't think we'll lose things. And because we overstayed our welcome at a friend's house in the afternoon, I got good company and good dinner! Win win, right?! I still lost at Scrabble, however.

We have yet to see Pepco trucks in our neighborhood. I'm still thinking we're out for the long haul. We're in orange, but I really think that's because my neighbors have no way to report our outages!


  1. Erin I'm so sad you guys still don't have power! I texted you this morning to see if you guys wanted to come over today (I wasn't sure if you were able to go to work or not...Brady couldn't go in yesterday) but please come over tonight if you want to! We'd love to have you over and will feed you and you can even do your laundry at our house if you want. Let me know. I hope Pepco gets to you soon!

  2. bummer! hopefully it will be over soon.

  3. man, just crazy! but you sound good, at least. . . just a few more days (hopefully less!). you're a trooper!

  4. Hooray! You have power!

    And I lost at Scrabble as well. The things we do in the dark early hours of a powerless night.
