Friday, September 14, 2012

Why Utah Wins

We've been back in Maryland for about the same amount of time we were in Utah. Since being back, I've given a lot of thought to Maryland v. Utah. But here's the argument that Utah wins it on: In Utah, it's simply easier and more enjoyable to be outside.

Since I started my Maryland life nearly 12 years ago, I've turned into someone who doesn't like being outside, except for a couple of months in the spring and fall. But in the summer? Mornings are hard because the grass is dewy and afternoons are hard because it's hot and muggy. I just cringe inside every time the boys ask to go outside. It makes me question myself. Have I really turned into a person who doesn't like being outside? Before moving here, I loved being outside. What happened?

But it turns out that I still love being outside...just in Utah. Because even in summer, Utah is okay. The days don't heat up until the afternoons, but even then, if you're in the shade or there's a breeze, it's still pleasant! And the nights! Oh, those lovely mountain nights. How I loves me some mountain nights. So being in Utah restored my faith in me being an outside-girl. Phew; I was getting nervous.

Let's hope the fall comes soon!

P.S. Wouldn't you know that Maryland has been simply lovely this week? Absolutely gorgeous. Cool in the mornings for runs, pleasant in the afternoons for trips to the playground.

P.P.S. But oh how we miss my mom's car. But oh how I love having Bruno around to clean up after Ollie.

P.P.P.S. I have great admiration for my Maryland friends who battle the summers and still get out. I'm just, sadly, not one of those people who can do that.


  1. 19 years and counting and my part. . . :)

    but i'm glad you totally like your life in maryland - just more of an "inside" life, i guess. but at least it's filled with really good friends and cool activities. we can't win everything all the time. bummer.

  2. Ah, I see the differences and I'm sure I would agree with you if I lived in a humid place! Even though I think summers are hot in UT!! I bet you don't have to wear as much chapstick or lotion as we do here though...??!!
