Monday, September 17, 2012

Planning Schmlanning

As much as I love to plan, sometimes it's fun to just go crazy. And by go crazy, I mean the lame crazy that parents of two children are allowed. But when good friends invited us camping, we said "DUDE! Let's do it!" (Not really; it was more of a "well, we hadn't planned on it and Ollie still wakes early and Chuck doesn't get out until later and...Dang it. We're going!")

So go we went. And awesome times we had. Not only did we have awesome times, but we were also strengthened in our resolve to camp more. With my camping buckets stocked and ready, it was really easy. Seriously. We grabbed the sleeping stuff, some clothes for the kids, bagels and cream cheese for breakfast and we were off! The weather totally cooperated and we didn't even have to wipe the condensation from the bottom of the tent. Good times all around. (Except for when Ollie fell and cut his lip and got blood all over my shoulder. Sweet.)

1 comment:

  1. too bad we weren't camping TOGETHER this weekend! but it seriously looks great; so glad you went! did you do that sandwich bread thing for dinner? we didn't, so i was curious if you did and how it went? kids camping are always so cute! ollie's haircut (right, he got one?) is totally cute.
