Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Chuck!

We celebrated Chuck's birthday for two days. One of the days Chuck spent the afternoon and night at a very very important college football game (hint: one of the team's name rhymes with "noisy"). The lucky birthday boy got to spend four hours tailgating and then enjoying the entire game. And he lucked out with an awesome parking spot so he was out of the lot within four minutes! (It took his friend about 1.5 hours to do the same thing. Yikes.)

We also went to a parade during the two-day birthday fest. Rhett and Chuck got to shake the hand of the Republican gubernatorial candidate for Maryland. That's what happens when you're one of eight Republicans in our county--you get the royal treatment.  (And for the record, I'm not really sure what I am.  Chuck's the only registered Republican in our house.)

The boys wore their matching ties to church on Sunday. I can't help but take a picture of them when this happens. We had burgers and cake for dinner that night; Chuck's parents helped celebrate with us.

Hopefully Chuck had a great 31. Seriously, I can't say enough good things about him, so I won't even try. He's a great husband and a great father. Happy late birthday Chuck!  I love you!

How about those Napoleon Mad Libs, eh? Pretty sweet! (Like anyone could even know that. GOSH.)


  1. yea, happy birthday chuck! he is a great guy, ben and i were just talking about how we like chuck.

    the pictures are all great, too. i love, love, love the ties.

  2. sounds like a great birthday for sure, especially since the celebrations lasted more than one day. yay chuck. GO BOISE ST.!!! yeah take that you lame-o bcs.

    just for the record, matching husband/kid ties is the same as dressing your two girls alike. your right about the neccessity for a pic, can't help it. your mama did it and now you do it too!
