Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Grandpa G

My dad called me from Japan last Thursday to tell me that my paternal grandfather died. He was my last living grandparent, and my sons' last living great-grandparent. Like when my grandmother died last May, I will dispense with the sappy stuff. I'm just not good at it. Suffice it to say that my grandpa was a pretty cool old man. He was a spry 96 years old when he died; I hope I'm lucky to live as long and as well.

These are the last pictures of me and my little family with him (taken summer 2010). Sadly, he never met Ollie, but someday he will.  (Just please let it be a long, long time away from now.)  In this picture, we are standing outside his Macks' Inn cabin, in front of Forest Service land. It is rumored that my grandfather would sneak out in the darkest night and cut down these trees for his firewood. Pretty sneaky, Grandpa!

At Old Faithful with my parents and son #1.

And how fun are these? I loves me some old pictures. I'm not sure who the man is in the upper-left (some relative to be sure), but the others are my grandfather and mother.

The top picture below shows my grandfather, mom, an aunt, an uncle, three cousins, my sister, and me.  (No, I will not point out which is me.  I will say that girl with the awesome bangs, turtleneck, matching handmade units belt, and rolled jeans is so awesome, however. ) The other two pictures are of my cute grandmother and my dad.

See much nicer tributes to my grandfather here and here (and my sister's blog, if you have permission).


  1. oh such fantastic pictures - i really love them. including the one with said girl with the awesome bangs.

  2. the only good thing about funerals is that you get to make a good tribute and reminisce about your awesome family. sorry for your loss, dear erin. wonderful pictures! (especially bangs-rolled jeans girl!)
