Monday, November 12, 2012

A Retropactum

The other day, I was looking through my blog archives for a post on Rhett at the age Ollie is now (15 months). I ended up reading far more than planned because, man, can I be ridiculous, or what?! I sure know how to blog about the totally unimportant. Sooooo glad I've matured. (Why isn't there a font for sarcasm? It would make it so much easier.) Today I'm going to comment on all my posts from June 2009. Here we go.

June 1, 2009 Ollie loves that little pop car now! I need to take a picture of him on it and compare the two.

June 3, 2009 Of course having two kids is harder than one, but really, I was very self-aware to know that, for me, some things would be easier with the second. I am so less bored with Ollie than I was with Rhett, and so much more confident. That is, I was confident until Ollie started being oppo-Rhett. (See how I used that in a sentence? Try it!)

June 5, 2009 I still hate that bumper sticker.

June 6, 2009 Aw, that "new little one" got a new sister just last week! That tablecloth, once washed, was a beast to iron. Ugh. Those cookies are still the best chocolate chip cookies. Too bad I'm horrible at making them. Anyone want to make them for me? I accept deliveries.

June 6, 2009 This one kills me. Just in case you didn't catch on, this was a situation from real life (GASP!). But the killer thing is that the people offering the babysitting (me and my YW) and the person requesting the babysitting for her visiting Philly ward was none other than Natalie, who has become one of my best friends. Awesome.

June 11, 2009 Wow. Reading my first thoughts about this are so eye-opening. It was successful and we are repeating this ad infinitum!

June 14, 2009 I don't think I ever found a use for those bottom two fabrics. The first became a backpack for Rhett and a diaper clutch.

June 17, 2009 I'm still a wuss. I can't even open sippie cups that Chuck closed.

June 19, 2009 I'm embarrassed to admit that paper towels are used and abused in my house. We go through them pretty quickly; I'm sure my mom would be horrified. (Hi Mom!) And I can't believe I forgot that I can put muffin tins in the dishwasher. I still do all pots and pans by hand (or by Chuck's hand), but cleaning those muffin tins is the reason I don't bake more muffins.

June 21, 2009 Those are cute! I should make more.

June 23, 2009 The Metro. Ugh, the Metro. Since the people who fared the worst were in the very end of the train, and since I always sit in the very last seat on my way to work, it lasted a couple of weeks before I returned to "my" seat. Isn't that funny? You watch "Supersize Me" and swear off McDonald's for...oh, I don't know...three months? Was anyone able to never go to McDonald's again after watching that movie? Morgan Spurlock never got sick on the ice cream cones, so I'm safe.

June 25, 2009 We still have and use that box. It's a counter saver for sure.

June 27, 2009 My first thought was, "Dang. I need to get some pictures taken of the boys." My second thought was, "I really like my life. All of my life." My third thought was, "Well, maybe I don't really like it when Ollie throws everything from his high chair tray to Bruno."

June 29, 2009 Oh, this was a great idea! I had so much fun doing this with all the other women. How lovely and talented they all were (are!). The quiet books turned out great and I hope everyone involved feels the same way. We should do more projects as a group. Any ideas?

Whee--this was fun! I might do it again. Bonus points if you can tell me the movie reference for the post's title (unless you're Chuck--I know you know).


  1. I think you should make more of those Scrabble tile pendants too. I wore mine (that I won in your giveaway a couple of years ago) yesterday and I love it! And I know what movie you referenced, but only because I googled it, which I don't think really counts, so I won't say.

  2. i have to admit i'm with chuck on this one, don't know. but love the idea of the font, so neccessary!

  3. super fun - i can't even comment, there's just so much! it's fun to look back, though. you inspired me and i got caught looking at old posts from 2009, too - and videos. so funny. in fact, FHE tonite was watching a lot of our short, little videos.

  4. You're so funny, your posts always make me laugh, I look forward to reading them. And I totally agree on the sarcasm font! Excellent idea!
