Friday, March 21, 2014


It should be pretty obvious that I love schedules and routines. I guess I'm like a little kid in this. But March, whoa. It's been anything but routine.

Normally, my life consists of:
early-morning runs on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays
track workouts with the girls on Thursday nights
long runs on Saturday mornings
Rhett at school every weekday
Chuck at work every weekday
regular church meetings
playgroup with Ollie on Friday
real dinners at the dining room table

But this March, my life consisted of:
later-morning, or even afternoon, runs
track workouts without the girls on Tuesdays
long runs on Saturday afternoons
Rhett not at school due to more snow days or sick days
Chuck at work, unless it's a snow day, but some days later because of testing in the schools
stake conference
lots of cancelled playgroups because of weather or illness
fake dinners all over the place, or even no dinner at all if we are sick

I know. It shouldn't be hard. And truthfully, it isn't that hard. It is, however, just enough to throw me off kilter a teensy bit. But after this insane weekend, I expect to return to my kilter. Monday you can expect a full post on birthday happenings (I have a six-year-old!) with pictures. Maybe even video.

P.S. Are you curious about our snow days? If so, read on: Our school system builds four snow days into the calendar, meaning our school year goes 184 days, not 180. However, we've had TEN snow days this winter, meaning we have to make up six of them so we can get our 180 days. Aye, but there's a rub. Our superintendent can apply (and has applied) for a waiver from the state exempting us from having to make up some or all of those days. In the past, if those snow days were declared states of emergency by the governor, the schools were granted these waivers. Remember snowmageddon (here, here, or here)? We didn't have to make up one day that year! So there's hope that we won't be in school through June 20th. We'll see.


  1. March is a totally crazy month. I think each day is like a lion and lamb - we've had rain, snow, wind, and sunshine all in one day. March really messes with us!

  2. Look at you, embracing the chaos! All I can say is: sorry you've had illness and you look none the worse for having been off your routine!

  3. Oh man I am so horrible with routine and honestly want to be better. I just don't know where to start?? Pre Hattie we would go to the gym every morning at 8:30 and then go to the grocery store or come home, eat lunch, nap, wake, do an activity in the afternoon, colling comes home, dinner, bedtime routine. Now it's just a jumbled up day with random events all over the place and napping starts anywhere from 10:45-2. I didn't mind...but then Fred started going a little batty, not eating well, not sleeping well, and so I'm going nuts.
    So my goal for April is to establish a few routines.
