Monday, October 11, 2010

Pumpkin Day, Week, or Fortnight

I love pumpkins and almost everything made from them. I also love going to pumpkin patches (hence the genesis of last year's Pumpkin Day). But this year, we got to do even more than that. Last week, we were invited to join some friends for the "Iron Chef" event, at which pumpkin was the main event. At said "Iron Chef: Pumpkin," we got to eat tons of yummy stuff made from pumpkins. (See the recap here.)

Then on Saturday we went to a pumpkin patch. This was a new-to-us one. I liked that it was a bit closer and that they had a covered place to eat our pumpkin stuff. I did not like that it was soooooo busy and that they charged for the hay ride (or "hairy ride" as Rhett was wont to call it). Regardless, we got some lovely pumpkins and ate yummy pumpkin bread. After dinner, we had some pumpkin squares, which were just like pumpkin pie.

Some time this week we'll eat our pumpkin main course: pumpkin pasta! I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. oh it looks fantastic! i wish we could have been there with you all! we ended not going to our pumpkin patch - we'll go this saturday.

    can't wait to hear about the pasta!
