Friday, April 29, 2011

Random Thoughts

Which is the better choice for dinner: cold cereal or fast food?

How do you take pills? Chuck thinks I'm nuts because I first fill my mouth with water, then insert pill (note the intentional singular, not plural), swallow, make crazy face. Repeat if necessary. Chuck's pill routine is to put all pills in his mouth first (blech--they stick to your tongue!), fill mouth with water, swallow. No repeat necessary, obviously.

Do you ever send an email and it takes longer than you expected for a response? Or a response never comes? If so, do you worry that you offended the person with something you said? Oh, I do. And then I can't resend email because if they did get the original email and weren't offended, maybe I'd make them with the second email. Sheesh. Email is hard because tone gets totally lost.

How nerdy is it that I wear my (7- or 8-year-old) iPod mini around the house while I do chores (or go shopping)? Sure I have my SoundDock, but if Rhett's napping and I'm moving from upstairs to down, I can't very well have it loud enough to hear it everywhere, now can I? I feel silly wearing it, but man, does it make dusting (and shopping) easier.

Speaking of nerdiness, I experienced my first hangover last weekend. What induced said hangover? Craft night. I was up way too late, talked way too much, and ate too many chips. I could not believe just how bad I felt the next morning. I mean, I'm old, I get it. But really body? Really? It was pathetic. I had to take a nap before 9 a.m. it was that bad. Next time I'm coming in before curfew.

Feeling a baby inside you move is probably the coolest thing about pregnancy...until you don't. I'll go through the day being busy and moving. And as soon as I sit down, I expect to feel Betamax move. When I don't, I get so nervous. Really nervous. Like poking-my-stomach-and-yelling-at-it nervous.

Do you think it's funny when words mean something totally different than what you'd think they mean? For example, "pulchritude." Do you know what it means? I thought I did. I thought it meant something totally yucky, you know, like puke (used in a semi-sentence: "the pulchritude that is Cafe Rio"). Because that's how it sounds: pukey. However, I found out that it means quite the opposite! It means "the quality of appearance that pleases the eye; beauty; comeliness; grace." Who knew?! Did you?


  1. When taking pills, I fill my mouth with water first, then shove in an entire load of pills (I can swallow like 20 at a time!)

  2. I actually knew pulchritude! Pulchra is the Latin root for beautiful :)

    Ok, down the list...
    I take pills both ways depending on the pill. If it is a lightweight capsule, I want it to stick to my tongue, otherwise it floats on top of the water and I can't swallow it. If I have a large pill (like the potassium pills I take), I need a lot of water to get those babies down so I have to have water in the mouth first, drop it in and then follow with a bunch of water.

    I'm always worried someone will misunderstand what I mean in any text form. I'm an obsessive smiley facer because I don't want anyone to think I'm using a negative tone. :)

    I love the feeling of a moving baby in the belly-o. I miss it...kind of sad, huh? I found juice is a good way to get the baby moving when I'm concerned. The sugar perks them right up :)

    Oh, and back tot he top of the list....Cereal!

  3. It took me until my senior year of highschool before I could swallow pills. Up to that point I had to smash Tylenol between two spoons, sprinkle on some sugar, and swallow with water. Yeah, pathetic.

    I think I get hangovers ANY time I'm up past 11pm these days. It's pitiful.

    When I write, I say the words in my mind, so when I write I have the impression that my words will take on the same emphasis and tone with which I imagine. I take it for granted that others read in a sing-songy voice when they read my stuff, including pauses as appropriated by punctuation. Do you ever write with an accent in mind? I do. It's ridiculous.

    And while I know the word, pulchritude never makes it into my speech for the precise reasons which you mention. It sounds sicko.

  4. it depends - you can get some decent health-fare at fast food. and you can get plenty of junk with cereal. so who knows - just do what you want!

    i'm like nathalia with pills - reminder the mortar and pestle i had all growing up? now i put a pill or 2 in my mouth before water and then glug down some water. i don't take calcium pills because they are HUGE and make me gag. yes, even 1/2ed.

    i don't worry too much about emails - probably b/c i forget about them quickly. :) which reminds me i never responded to one you sent: i do like the name.

    oh, i'm so there with you on the baby-moving thing. in fact, with my 1st pregnancy i "rented" some heart-monitor thing online. it saved my sanity, seriously. i loved it. i push my babies all around when i don't feel them moving. it's terrifying. but usually nothing. the juice idea sounds great - and then you get to drink juice, yum!
