Day 0: Although we hadn't planned on starting Sunday, we had been prepping Rhett for the potty training that would begin the next day. And for whatever reason, Rhett was up for going to the bathroom on the toilet before church. And not just once, but like four times. And not just pee either. It was semi-miraculous. But with church and a visit to grandparents' house after church, we weren't going to go full-steam quite yet.
Day 1: Here we go! Underwear on and diapers off. Rhett is really excited and enjoys sitting on the toilet. Or at least, he loves getting M&Ms every time he does. Chuck has him on a timer so that he visits the bathroom every ten minutes, just to see if he has to go. And for some reason (M&Ms?), he is down with this. We mark his charts (all three of them: one for just sitting on the toilet, one for pee, and one for poo). Our rewards are for every 20 visits, he chooses two new books; for every 20 pees, he gets a new toy; and for every 20 poos, he gets an ice cream cone. Also, for every bathroom visit, he gets an M&M. Don't ask why those M&Ms are disappearing at an alarming rate, one much faster than his visits. Nighttime definitely involves a diaper.
Day 2: The day started out okay at first, but when it's clear that the kid needs to poo and he won't, he starts avoiding the toilet at all costs. He won't drink anything because he knows where he'll end up if he does. Although he has no accidents, we don't see much success either. Rhett and Chuck take their first trip out of the house to Chuck's parents' house. Nighttime is sans diaper--we'll see how that goes!
Day 3: A (mostly) dry morning! Sure, there was some pee, but not too bad. Considering the a diaper that he used to wake up with, you know, the one that hung to his knees, we were pleased with this outcome. Starts out pretty badly, Rhett still needing to poo and all. But once we got that out of him, he does great. He has one accident, but I blame that more on me (just waiting too long between visits). We definitely lengthened the time between bathroom visits compared to the first day. One time he starts to pee in his underwear, but I told him to try to hold it. Which he does! I get him to the toilet and he goes. We even practice stopping and starting: work that sphincter muscle, Rhett! He resumes his drinking and has his second dry nap.
Day 4: Chuck and Rhett got out of the house a bit and had no accidents. We did run into some minor resistance when needing to poo again, but once that was out, he was totally fine.
Pretty much our days continue like this. We've had no serious accidents and found that he can successfully go to the bathroom in places other than our house. He still hasn't perfected the "I need to go to the bathroom" yet, but the potty dancing and holding of the crotch tend to tell us when he needs to go. Maybe Chuck and Rhett will even get out of the house this week!
Please forgive the foray into complete mommy-blogging. Sometimes it can't be helped. I am a mom, after all.
Oh my. This is hysterical.
so, so, so awesome! he did great - "he" could mean rhett or chuck. :) he's pretty much a potty superstar. this time meaning rhett. ha.
ReplyDeletevery cool.
I love the day by day run down. Now when Rhett starts to learn piano I'd like the minute-by-minute action. Also... wow! 4 days to be MOSTLY potty-trained! I think that's quite the record. But then again, Rhett's got a fast learning curve. Congrats on passing the buck to Chuck and having subsequent success!